Tips for mitigating joint pain in cold weather

Consejos para mitigar el dolor articular con el frío

Winter is a time of year that can affect our joint health, especially if we suffer from rheumatic diseases such as osteoarthritis or arthritis. Cold, humidity, and changes in atmospheric pressure can cause an increase in stiffness, inflammation, and pain in the joints, limiting our mobility and quality of life. What can we do to alleviate these discomforts and take care of our joints in this season? In this post, Lanier Pharma, your trusted nutraceutical laboratory, gives you some tips to help you mitigate joint pain.

Maintain an appropriate body temperature

One of the factors influencing joint pain is vasoconstriction, i.e. a decrease in the diameter of blood vessels that occurs in cold weather. This causes less blood and oxygen to reach the joints. The result is more stiffness and pain.

If you want to avoid this, always maintain an appropriate body temperature. Wrap up warm, but don’t overdo it. Wear several layers of clothing that allow you to adapt to changes in temperature. Pay special attention to painful joints and the parts most exposed to the cold, such as your hands, feet, neck, and head. Always choose warm, natural materials such as wool to insulate you from moisture and keep you warm.

Engage in moderate and adapted physical exercise

Physical exercise is essential for maintaining joint health and warming up the body.

By exercising, you help strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, lubricate joints, and prevent overweight.

However, not all exercises are suitable for people with joint problems. In these cases, in particular, you should also take the climate and environmental conditions into account.

Ideally, you should do low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, or yoga, and avoid sudden movements, jumping, and excessive loads.

In addition, you must warm up and stretch before exercising to prepare your muscles and joints to avoid injury or other damage to your joints.

Depending on the nature and degree of your ailments, you should consider consulting your doctor or physiotherapist about the type of exercises you should do and which ones you should avoid.

Introduce heat into the joint

We have already seen that cold, especially if it is wet, is one of the worst enemies of painful joints. Therefore, any healthy method that introduces heat to our joints will benefit us.

Sometimes a simple electric blanket or heat pack placed over the joint can cause noticeable relief. Although this method should not be overused, half an hour several times a day will be sufficient.

An even more effective method is to use vigorous but not too strong rubbing to activate the circulation in the painful joint. Use rosemary alcohol, a cream with arnica and devil’s claw, or almond oil with essential oils such as rosemary, wintergreen, cinnamon, or camphor, which are vasodilators.

Sitz baths with warm water are also very effective for relaxing and relieving joint pain.

If you have the opportunity, go to a physiotherapist to immerse the joint in a paraffin bath. This method significantly reduces the sensation of pain by introducing heat into the deeper areas of the joint.

Choose a good natural supplement for joint health

In addition to these tips, you can maintain the health of your joints at any time of the year with Artrinox. Lanier Pharma has developed this supplement to take effective and total care of your joint functionality. Artrinox improves joint health, reduces pain, and promotes joint mobility.

It contains undenatured collagen type II (UC-II), Hyaluronic Acid, Glucosamine and Chondroitin, Vitamin D, Manganese, and Turmeric.

Clinical studies have shown that this powerful synergy induces natural collagen formation, promotes cartilage repair, and reduces joint pain and inflammation.
